The Message in the Hollow Oak Read online

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  “We?” Bess asked.

  “You and George and I.”

  “When are you going?” Bess asked.

  “Tomorrow, maybe.”

  Bess said this would be impossible for her and George. “I guess you forgot that our cousin, Marian Shaw, is being married next week and we’re to be bridesmaids.”

  “Of course,” said Nancy.

  “But,” Bess went on, “if you don’t find out the secret of the hollow oak right away, maybe George and I could join you later.”

  Nancy knew there was no use in asking her father to change his mind, so she said nothing. Both he and Hannah noticed how downcast she was.

  The following morning as Mr. Drew was about to leave for his office, he said, “I’m sorry, but I feel you shouldn’t be out there alone. Suppose Miss Bancroft has no room for you!”

  Nancy nodded and kissed him good-by. After he had left and she had helped Hannah tidy the kitchen, the telephone rang.

  She hurried to answer it and the next moment was saying, “Ned! It’s so good to hear from you!”

  Ned Nickerson was a good-looking, dark-haired college student on the Emerson football team. Nancy frequently shared her mystery adventures with him.

  “I called you night before last but found you’d gone to New York. Just having fun or are you on a new case?” he teased.

  Nancy told him the whole story, concluding with her great disappointment at not being able to go to Illinois.

  There was a moment of silence, then Ned said, “Hold everything! I just had a brainstorm. A cousin of mine at Paulson is about to join the Theresa Bancroft dig. She’s a swell gal. Want me to try to get in touch with her? You two might work something out. Her name’s Carswell—Julie Anne Carswell.”

  Nancy’s heart leaped. “I’m sure Dad would agree to that.”

  Ned said he would contact his cousin at once and get the full story about the dig and whether there would be room for Nancy at the farmhouse. Late that afternoon when Mr. Drew gave her permission to go with Julie Anne, Nancy’s spirits soared.

  Two days went by before Julie Anne phoned Nancy. After introducing herself, she said, “I think it’s wonderful about your coming out to the dig. There’s plenty of room in the farmhouse. I’ll try to get in touch with Theresa—we all call her that at school—but if I can’t, it’s perfectly all right for you to come along with me.”

  “Oh, Julie Anne, you’re wonderful!” Nancy exclaimed, hardly daring to believe her good fortune.

  Julie Anne suggested that the two girls meet at the Riverside Hotel in St. Louis the following day. “I can’t wait to see you,” she added. Nancy gave a happy chuckle. “You and I have the same thought!”

  The following morning Bess and George drove Nancy to an out-of-town airport where she could catch a plane that went directly to St. Louis. George parked the car and the girls hurried into the terminal building. Bess handed Nancy a package.

  Nancy looked surprised. Bess smiled and said, “Some cookies I baked for you last night. I hope you don’t mind carrying them.”

  “Of course not,” Nancy replied. “Thanks. You’re a dear.”

  She quickly fitted the box into her suitcase. Then she checked in at the ticket counter and her luggage was whisked away.

  “I certainly wish you girls were going,” Nancy said. “Don’t forget your promise. If I haven’t solved the mystery by the time the weading is over, you will come?”

  “We’ll be there,” George said.

  Nancy kissed the two girls and went off to board her plane. Always alert to what was going on around her, she had had a feeling for the past ten minutes that a man was watching her rather closely. Now he got into line directly behind her. Nancy instinctively clutched her purse closer, in case he planned to snatch it.

  As she boarded the plane, the young detective laughed at her own fears. But a moment later when she took a seat by a window, she was disturbed that the man sat down alongside her. He started talking to her.

  “This your first trip to St. Louis?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she answered truthfully, and turned her head to look out the window.

  “Is someone meeting you?” the stranger went on.

  “Oh yes,” Nancy replied, and hoped this would end the conversation.

  But the man continued to talk, asking questions about where she lived, why she was going to St. Louis, and how long she planned to be there. Nancy became evasive in her answers.

  She began to wonder what ulterior motive he might have. Was he about to ask her for a date, or did he perhaps know the purpose of her mission?

  By this time the plane was airborne and passengers had removed their seat belts. The stewardess came down the aisle with magazines and Nancy took one, hoping to indicate to her annoying companion she preferred reading to conversing with him. But her attempt was futile. He kept on talking, becoming more and more inquisitive as the moments passed.

  The airplane was traveling at high speed and Nancy wished some unseen force would land it at once in St. Louis. Since this was not possible, she decided to get up and walk back to the galley where she could hear preparations for luncheon being started.

  Nancy stood up. “Excuse me,” she said, and stepped across the man’s feet.

  She was dangling her handbag in one hand and in her haste to leave the stranger did not notice that the strap had caught on the arm of his aisle seat.

  As she moved on, the bag flew open and the contents spilled onto the floor!

  Instantly her seatmate jumped up and began to help her collect the various articles. To her annoyance, he looked at each one carefully before dropping it into her handbag. A woman passenger across the aisle had also arisen and assisted Nancy in retrieving her personal belongings.

  “It’s a shame,” the woman said, then she whispered, “You’d better get away from that man. He’s a troublemaker!”

  “What do you mean?” Nancy asked.

  Before the woman could reply, the plane hit an air pocket. As the craft dropped, Nancy was sent sprawling in the aisle.


  The Weird Voice

  QUICKLY Nancy picked herself up and hurried to the galley. She told a stewardess she wanted to change her seat and was assigned one next to an elderly woman who was sleeping. Nancy leaned back and reflected on what she had heard about her former seatmate.

  “So he’s a troublemaker,” she thought. “I can’t speak right now to that woman across from him, but I must catch her at the airport and ask what she meant.”

  A new concern came into Nancy’s mind. The man could have seen the entire contents of her handbag. He might use the information of her identity to her disadvantage! Her thoughts were interrupted by the stewardess ready to serve a luncheon tray.

  The woman alongside Nancy awakened and greeted her in a friendly way. While the two ate, they discussed the weather and air travel in general. As soon as the woman had finished eating, she went back to sleep and Nancy once more thought about the annoying stranger.

  “No doubt all those questions he asked me—the snoopy old thing—were answered when he saw the contents of my handbag.”

  A little while later the plane circled over the St. Louis airport and came in for a perfect landing.

  When Nancy reached the baggage-claim section she scanned the crowd of waiting passengers, trying to spot the woman who had given her the startling information. Unfortunately she could not find her and finally assumed that the woman either was carrying her own luggage or did not have any with her.

  The young detective noticed the inquisitive stranger with whom she had sat for a while and made a point of avoiding him. Without waiting for a porter, she claimed her two bags and rushed through the building to get a taxi.

  “The Riverside Hotel,” she told the driver. As the taxi threaded its way through the heavy traffic Nancy could see a high silvery arch in the distance.

  “That’s our famous arch,” said the driver proudly. “It stands in a park on the ban
k of the Mississippi and symbolizes that St. Louis is the Gateway to the West. The hotel you’re staying at has a good view of it,” he added.

  When they arrived, a tall pretty girl with ginger-colored hair met Nancy in the lobby. “Hi!” she said, smiling. “I’m Julie Anne Carswell. I recognize you from a picture Ned once showed me.”

  Nancy laughed. “He never told me. Julie Anne, it’s great to meet you.”

  “Actually,” said Julie Anne, “I feel as if I know you and George and Bess and your friends Burt and Dave from Ned’s descriptions.”

  “The girls might come out here to help me solve the mystery, Julie Anne. They’re wonderful. You’ll love them.”

  The two travelers registered and were assigned to a room on the fifth floor.

  While Nancy changed her shoes, she said, “Now tell me about the dig.”

  “They’re making good progress,” Julie Anne replied. “Our leader, Theresa Bancroft, keeps everyone busy. They’ve already unearthed a skeleton of the ancient Hopewell Indians who buried their dead in great earthen mounds. No one knows what these Indians called themselves. Their first mound to be excavated was on the Hopewell farm in Ohio, so the Indians have been named that. Maybe you’ll be able to find a skeleton, Nancy.”

  “Sounds interesting,” Nancy said, “but actually I’m here to solve a mystery about a hollow oak.”

  Julie Anne said that Ned had mentioned it on the phone but had given no details. “Is the case a secret?”

  “Oh no,” Nancy told her, and gave a brief summary about the Canadian missionary and the legend that he had left a valuable message in a hollow oak tree.

  “You don’t have much to go on, do you?” Julie Anne asked.

  “Only one clue. A friend of my aunt’s in New York found a fallen tree on which there was a plate bearing Père François’s initials and an arrow. It is thought that the arrow indicated the next place the missionary was going.”

  “So you’ll be trying to trace his journey,” Julie Anne remarked, “until you find the message.”

  Just then the telephone rang. Nancy picked up the receiver. A man’s voice on the other end said, “Nancy Drew?”


  “This is Room 412. I have something of yours you dropped on the plane. May I come up and give it to you?”

  By this time Nancy had recognized the voice of the annoying passenger. She said to him,“My friend and I will meet you in the lobby.”

  “Okay, if that’s the way you want it. Can you come right down?”


  Nancy turned to Julie Anne and told her what had happened on the plane and that now the man wanted to return something to her. “Come on, let’s go!”

  Julie Anne picked up the room key and slipped it into her purse. Then the two girls went down to the lobby. The man from the plane walked over quickly toward Nancy and said, “I have a surprise for you.”

  The stranger did not identify himself by name and Nancy did not introduce Julie Anne. The three went to a group of chairs and sat down.

  Smiling, the man said to Nancy, “You know, you’re a little fox. I thought you were coming back to your seat and have lunch with me. It was not until after you had left the plane that I found this.”

  He reached into a coat pocket and pulled out a small picture of Mr. Drew. With a smirk, the man asked, “Boy friend? Isn’t he a little old for you?”

  Nancy was disgusted with the stranger’s crude humor. The picture was one of her father. She reached to get it.

  “Thank you very much,” she said. “I appreciate your taking the trouble to return it.”

  She and Julie Anne arose and started off.

  “What’s the hurry?” the man asked.

  Nancy did not reply. She merely thanked him again and the two girls walked away. He followed them a short distance, saying, “I’ll be seeing you.”

  Julie Anne turned toward him. “What do you mean?”

  At this the stranger merely laughed and walked off.

  When he was out of earshot, Julie Anne remarked, “Nancy, I’m glad that man didn’t insist upon a date to give you the picture. I think he’s horrible.”

  As soon as the annoying stranger had disappeared, Julie Anne suggested that the two girls take a trip around the city. As they were about to leave the lobby, Nancy suddenly saw the woman who had warned her on the plane.

  “There’s someone I must talk to,” she told Julie Anne and rushed across the lobby. “Hello,” she said pleasantly.

  The woman smiled and Nancy went on, “I wanted so much to ask you about that man who was my seatmate on the plane. I was afraid I might not see you again.”

  “I’m glad we met,” the woman replied, and said she was Mrs. Waters. Nancy told her who she was and introduced Julie Anne who had followed her.

  Mrs. Waters said the man’s name was Kadle. Nancy showed her surprise and Mrs. Waters asked, “You’ve heard of him?”

  “Not until recently,” Nancy said. “A friend in New York told me to be wary of him, just as you did.”

  Mrs. Walters said that she believed Kit Kadle was a confidence man. “A brother-in-law of mine was one of his victims.” Mrs. Waters went on, “Kadle doesn’t know me, but my brother-in-law showed me pictures of him. He probably was working one of his con games on the friend you speak of in New York. He may have been planning to get you to sign up for some scheme or to take your money for a phony investment.”

  Nancy laughed. “No chance of that,” she said, “but I appreciate your telling me all this and I’ll certainly keep my eyes open for Mr. Kit Kadle.”

  After a few minutes of conversation the girls said good-by and went out to start their sightseeing trip. Julie Anne was a little worried about Kit Kadle, but Nancy begged her to forget him. “Let’s see St. Louis.”

  “One of the most colorful sections of town is right here at the waterfront,” Julie Anne said. “We can ride a little old-fashioned trolley car. It will take us to a number of interesting places including the arch and the old-time paddle wheel steamers at the foot of the levee.”

  “That sounds like fun,” Nancy said eagerly. “Let’s try the arch first.”

  At the next corner the girls boarded a yellow streetcar which clanged its bell and rode off slowly and smoothly toward the huge arch in the waterfront park. They got out with several other tourists and followed them across a concrete walk. Then they went down a ramp toward the entrance into one leg of the huge span.

  Julie Anne was a little ahead of Nancy and found herself separated from her companion by the other visitors. Suddenly the tall girl stopped short in amazement. Through the glass doors leading into the arch she saw Nancy coming toward her!

  “But that’s impossible,” Julie Anne told herself. “How could Nancy have gotten into the arch before me and now be coming out?”

  But there was no mistaking that figure! It was Nancy approaching her on the other side of the glass doors. “Nancy!” Julie Anne called and hurried forward.

  Nancy laughed. “Here I am!” she answered. But her voice was coming from behind Julie Anne! “I’m in back of you!”

  Julie Anne turned. There was Nancy hurrying down the ramp. “It’s my reflection you saw,” she said.

  The other girl grinned. As they reached the doors into the arch, she saw that the darkish glass had perfectly reflected the walk behind her, making it look as if Nancy were already inside the building.

  “You fooled me that time,” Julie Anne said with a chuckle. “But no more trick mirrors, please!”

  The girls took a slow but thrilling ride to the top of the arch in a small, globe-shaped elevator. From there they had a breathtaking view of Illinois across the river. When they came down, the girls walked to the levee and visited a museum on an old paddle wheel steamer.

  “Those river boats saw lots of good times, I guess,” Nancy remarked.

  Afterward, the two ate dinner in a river steamer anchored nearby. It was furnished elegantly in nineteenth-century style.
br />   “Um! It’s delicious,” said Julie Anne, biting into a broiled, freshly caught fish topped with buttered almonds. Over dessert Julie Anne told Nancy that she had engaged a helicopter pilot to take the two girls south the following morning directly to the dig. The hotel would pack a lunch.

  They were up early and set off for the airport. When the craft had been airborne about an hour, Nancy became fascinated by the unusual river country landscape. It was like a wide peninsula with a river on each side. To their right lay the wide brown Mississippi and ahead on the left they could see the bluish water of the Ohio.

  Here and there the pilot pointed out sites of Indian burial mounds. “Many others have been leveled off and the ground used for farming,” he explained.

  The dig that the girls were heading for was near the Ohio River. After lunch the copter landed beyond an old-fashioned farmhouse. Near it, digging in an ancient Indian burial ground was being carried on.

  Julie Anne’s college friends had heard the whirlybird coming and left their work to greet the newcomers. They were so warm and friendly that Nancy’s instant reaction was, “What a wonderful bunch of people!”

  Bringing up the rear was a tall, blond, attractive woman who looked very trim in her pale-blue dungarees. Julie Anne introduced her as Theresa Bancroft, the group’s leader.

  “I’m delighted to meet you,” Theresa said. “Welcome to our humble quarters.”

  Nancy replied, smiling, “It’s kind of you to let me stay here while I try solving a mystery.”

  Theresa put an arm through Nancy’s and led her to the farmhouse. The others followed and it seemed as if everyone was talking at once.

  Several told about the perfect skeleton they had unearthed that day. While some of the girls were cooking supper, the boys in the group began singing. Soon everyone joined in.

  By the time the meal was over, Nancy felt well acquainted with all the diggers from Paulson University. One of the boys, Art Budlow, who was slender, thin-faced, and had brown hair, asked the young detective if she would tell them about her mystery.

  Nancy smiled. “I’m trying to find a certain oak tree which was already hollow in 1680,” she replied.


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